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  • Christina Bell

Visual Arts Program

I feel that I have provided a space for students to work that are both inspirational and convenient for creativity. I have done this through the understanding and appearance of a busy art room where a lot of art is being created and a lot of learning is happening.

My students and their art work are involved in several events and art competitions throughout the year. A couple of examples consist of the Dixie Classic Fair, The NC Aviation Art contest and the ACSI Arts Festival. The matted art pieces depict my work ethic on appearance and effort of keeping us involved in the community.

Examples of my students working in the classroom have been included to show that we cover different concepts of art education.

I have also included an example of how I manage my art assignments and have the students involved in a planning process that is rich with writing, analyzing and understanding. In my middle school and high school classes, the students are expected to complete 3-5 pages of sketches in which they plan and sketch for their final piece of artwork. They are also expected to write notes and I love this process because when I take up the sketchbooks and grade them, I use it as a resource to communicate individually with each student as write back to them and leave comments or constructive criticism. This is followed by the completed piece of artwork planned through these sketches and a rubric in which the student and I evaluated their work.

I feel that my program is indicative continual growth as I continue to teach, reflect and apply the learned outcomes of my experiences.

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