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  • Christina Bell

1st Grade Self Portraits Medium: Glue, Oil Pastels

1st Grade had a blast using the glue to create the shapes of their face and bodies in these Glue Line Self Portraits. When we began to add color using oil pastels, they really came to life and the students were so excited. We discussed the definition of a self portrait. The students were given a mirror, black construction paper and glue bottle. Through direct instruction I demonstrated how to draw a self portrait and the shapes using the glue bottle. Once the students completed all of the lines with glue, we put them away and allowed them to dry until our next class period. Once they were dry, we used oil pastels to fill with color. I sprayed each of them with hair spray to seal the pastel and keep it from rubbing off. I hung them outside of my classroom and they were definitely one of the popular pieces and we received a lot of great feedback from them.

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